Beaten and abused for their faith in Jesus: Christian persecution in India

ICC Note: A large group of angry Hindu radicals beat two young Christian women after learning of their conversion to Christianity. The men beat the women with bamboo rods until they lost consciousness. Although the Indian constitution theoretically guarantees its citizens the right to practice any religion, Christians often face ostracism, imprisonment, and physical attacks … More Beaten and abused for their faith in Jesus: Christian persecution in India

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Chinese Authorities Force Churches in Zhejiang to Hand over Income and Donations to the Government

ICC NOTE: In a new push by the Chinese government to ring in Christianity, authorities in Zhejiang province have demanded churches hand over all of their income, including donations, to the government. For the churches who joined the Three-self patriotic movement and those that remain standing despite the demolition campaign, this is a new method … More Chinese Authorities Force Churches in Zhejiang to Hand over Income and Donations to the Government

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